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CPFI | Christian Pharmacist Fellowship International

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CPFI National Website

Christian Pharmacist Fellowship International is a worldwide ministry of individuals who serve in different areas of pharmacy with a similar mission of serving Christ through their practice. Our school chapter is one of many student groups throughout the world that support this mission.

Everything we do as an organization is to promote our core values. Our core values are to:

  • Provide Godly encouragement and fellowship among like-minded professionals
  • Challenge and promote spiritual growth of members
  • Advance student chapter ministries to strengthen and equip student pharmacists
  • Encourage the advancement of knowledge and ethics in practice
  • Promote evangelism and the integration of faith into practice
  • Provide support and opportunities for Christian service and outreach

How to get involved?

CPFI has a membership drive during the month of August where students can come to our meetings, find out more information about us, and purchase an annual membership.

Monthly Meetings

CPFI meets monthly during the school year to hear encouragement from a spiritual leader and enjoy fellowship. We often have pastors from our local community come to share with us. Students also have the opportunity to pray with each other and encourage each other. Our monthly meetings are the core of our organization and the place to be to find out how to get involved with CPFI.

Fellowship Events

We host several annual fellowship events for students, faculty, and staff to attend. One of our favorite events is the Thanksgiving Dinner hosted during the month of November. This is an event for the entire HSOP family where everyone brings a food item to enjoy and celebrate Thanksgiving. We also host several seasonal events throughout the year to provide fun gatherings for students to get to know each other outside of school.

Service Events

CPFI annually collects items to make boxes for Operation Christmas Child during the fall semester. Students can get involved by collecting items and participating in our packing party which is hosted during collection week in November. CPFI also supports the Big House Foundation for foster families in Lee County by collecting summer items like towels and swim suits during the Spring Semester.

2024-25 CPFI Officers

Jessica Simmons

Jessica Simmons

Erin Utz

Erin Utz

Cailin Allen

Cailin Allen
Vice President

Mary Grace Cox

Mary Grace Cox

Savannah Strickland

Savannah Strickland

Lauren Glass

Lauren Glass

Caylee Rutland

Caylee Rutland
Social Chair

Mandy McAllister

Mandy McAllister
Service Chair

Heather Whitley

Dr. Heather Whitley

Last Updated: April 18, 2024